400 Years Later, A Mayflower Conversation
Our 2020 Holiday program was our first event held via Zoom for all members. We were joined by Hilary Goodnow, Associate Director, Education and Outreach, Plimoth Patuxet Museum, and interpreter Malka Benjamin. Malka also joined us in costume as Mayflower passenger Susanna Winslow. One of only five women to survive the first winter after their arrival, Susanna was pregnant on the voyage and delivered her son Peregrine while the ship was anchored off Cape Cod. Her husband died not long after, and she married fellow passenger Edward Winslow, whose wife had also died. After the presentation, Malka and Hilary answered questions from our group, and then left us to socialize for the remainder of the Zoom meeting. Thank you to our organizer for arranging our virtual get-together and educational program. Members only: log in to see our photo gallery for this event.